Kitchen Flavor Fiesta

Khasta Shakar Paray

Khasta Shakar Paray


  • 2 Cups Maida (All-purpose flour), sifted
  • 1 Cup Sugar, powdered (or to taste)
  • 1 pinch Himalayan pink salt (or to taste)
  • ¼ tsp Baking powder
  • 6 tbs Ghee (Clarified butter)
  • ½ Cup Water (or as required)
  • Cooking oil for frying


  1. In a bowl, add all-purpose flour, sugar, pink salt, and baking powder. Mix well.
  2. Add clarified butter and mix until it crumbles.
  3. Gradually add water, mix well, and gather the dough (don’t knead it). Cover and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  4. If necessary, add 1 tbs all-purpose flour. The consistency of the dough should be easy to handle and pliable, not too hard or soft.
  5. Transfer the dough to a clean working surface, divide it into two portions, and roll out each portion into a thickness of 1 cm using a rolling pin.
  6. Cut out 2 cm small squares using a knife.
  7. In a wok, heat cooking oil and fry on low flame for 4-5 minutes or until they float on the surface. Continue frying on medium flame until golden and crispy (6-8 minutes), stirring occasionally.
  8. Store in an airtight jar for up to 2-3 weeks.